This post goes out to all my friends !
Friends are fun, friends are mad, friends say wrong when its right, help when you need them the most , give you support, care for you love you speak and sort out your problems when you can't
FRiends in short our my life
Coming to my friends
lets start of with
Aviral ahaan kya kahein one of my bestest friends knows me in and out cool as a cucumber matlab iss bande ko no TENSION! but i guess i give the most tension sometimes apology!
He thinks he s the best at everything teachers ko maska maarne mein no1 hehe i guess no one will deny this fact not even the VHDL sir who was apparently the first victim enough of the creating a scene out here his heart is as pure as gold totally dedicated and loving Dil toh ekdum saaf hai :)
Tani i would say my first real friend in cs-6 she s superb listener sometimes oh no like always gets sentimental over things but an awesome person to be with guiding me in all the small things. she's surely got the brains the right attitude but gets judgemental sometimes don't kill me for this but writing to show i care or just to popularize my blog :P .
and beta thodi tension kam liya karo i know the wrong person is saying this but ab kya karein ... ;)
Vandy as i like to call her to shaant to believe that she's in 3rd year hehe but the most intelligent i have met so far Topper she is in every sense she calls several times in the exams to tell what's important and my first sweet and real friend in college
Apu( aka Janani)- He will literally boo me on this but its kinda true he has the most girl friends when he talks to guys its like a culture shock haha..
He's very helpful only to you know whom :P ... He's good at teaching kisi ko bhi exams se pehle padhna ho toh come to apu....
Ashutosh ummmm ummmmm i don't know much but i know he's always there for help to few of my friends (woudn't want to specify a name hehe) A java geek he is hope hamein bhi bta deta what all he does a game fanatic with big dreams ! all that describes him ..
Vipul aajkal totally gayab but the first guy friend of mine in amity few words i have to describe this gem of a person an all rounder a great friend to have we have those times the fun ones which can't forget and he's truly inspirational at times just like the GURU's :P Am sure he will be an amazing pilot..
Ankit A writer an 8 pointer who works very hard thinks less of himself but is in no way small he s born to make it big all my friends are because they are my friends :P just kidding he will surely make it big sooner than latter..
Urvashi She's almost busy always pta nahi kitna padhti hai hehe damn intelligent... But movie ki IQ is amazing i must say :P jo movie pucho she must have seen that ... for sure the geek the sweet kind and composed friend
Ishan Who could miss out my cab friend... he and gaurav such funny people your gay jokes certainly were fun for the long journey in the cab, which by the way feels pathetic these days ... The first person i poured my heart out to you understood my silence very few people do ... A very outgoing guy ...the person who hosts events ..the person who flirts alot but only for fun ... a person who doesn't have a limit of girls in his life :P That's ishan
Friends: The Complete Series Collection