Its never too late on picking up what your heart desires..there isn't any age or stage to be doing what you love..we all have been in some stage of our lives when we stopped doing what we truely wanted to do,cz of some obstacle that stood in our way..
well i have this one thing that makes me forget my problems,makes me soar high,tennis-my first love.!!
Since i was like 9 yrs old always enjoyed my outings to the sports complex admiring people hiting those yellow glowy balls across the court..stood there for hours not loosing site of the balls flying...past me...somehow convinced my dad to enrol me for coaching and there i was standing amongst heavily built guys and gals hitting those balls...loved that feelin.!!
time passed and started playing competitively in AITA(all india tennis association)..but was never quite good at it...somehow, though completely loved the sport all of a sudden was forced to give up my passion cz of studies...like most people :(
But still repent doing so till this date..still play it for my college..but somehow really miss the competitive scene
I know can't bring back the old times,but can surely live my dream continue what i love.!! AND ITS TENNIS